• Central dashboard to manage & publish to web properties
  • Long form article generation via ChatGPT, Claude, and more
  • Publish to WordPress
  • Publish to gSites, Tumblr, Weebly
  • Click to select keyword entities to include in article
  • Generate FAQs
  • Generate FAQ schema
  • And more....
Link Cushion Grand Opening

Link Cushion

Central dashboard to build and push content to all your sites & Web 2.0s

Generate Long Form Content

Each article is comprehensive with no repeated material or incongruence. Usually between 2k to 4k words per topic.

Multi Step Wizard process so you can fine tune as you go.

*hint: use the entity sidebar to give it even more relevance in Google's eyes.

**turbo mode for bulk generation

AI article generation

Personal Prompt Database

Each article is comprehensive with no repeated material or incongruence. Usually between 2k to 4k words per topic.

Multi Step Wizard process so you can fine tune as you go.

*hint: use the entity sidebar to give it even more relevance in Google's eyes.

**turbo mode for bulk generation

personal prompt database

Publish To WordPress & Web 2.0s


Enter as many WordPress installs as you want. Then, select them from a drop-down down so you can choose which one(s) you want to publish.

Choose Page or Post and Author

Publish to Tumblr, Weebly, & gSites

What would it be like to publish regular to your own network of sites and properties?


Rewrite any RSS Feed & Post

Feed in 1 or many RSS feeds and have and LLM rewrite it (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Claude, etc)

What would it be like to keep all those Rings and Stacks littering your computer alive and building authority without having to focus on it full time?

RSS feed rewriting

NAP Database

If you manage many location or have clients, load up their info & drop it into any article with 1 click

What would your ranking be like if you could drop NAP info across many sites and web 2.0s with strong content?

NAP Database

Personal Prompt Database

Save your favorite prompts in your own personal database and call them up with 1 click.

What would it be like to have an article written with all your precise settings with 1 click?

personal prompt database

Stock or AI Images

Stock photos: Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash, Wikimedia

AI Image Generation: MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, Dall-E

hint: use the personal prompt database to save image prompts you like

What would it be like if you can get the exact image you want from a blog post?

AI Image Generation

Even More Features

Choose Entities

We'll pull Wikipedia entities based on your main keyword. Simply click to have them included in your article.

OpenAI Generated Semantically Related Keywords

It'll make a list of topically & semantically related keywords for you. Simply click to add to the article generation process. (more sources coming soon)

Long Form Content

Prompted in such a way to generate coherent long form content that doesn't repeat itself. Expect to get 2-3k words per article.

Sub Accounts

Add your VAs using the sub accounts features to protect your credit card info and to revoke permissions when they no longer work for you

Precision Editing Every Step

Want to edit the title or write your own? No problem. Want to edit or write your own sub headlines? No problem.

Generates FAQs

Simply click a checkbox and get a FAQ generated closely related to your article.

FAQ Schema

Simply click a button and get JSON-LD schema for each of your FAQs.

Dashboard of Stats

See how many pages you published, which type of properties they were published to, how many links you've built, and many more

These Features are Coming Soon...

AI article generation

Publish to Cloud Site

Build HTML sites with the editor and then upload to: AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, Dreamhost, Wasabi, GitHub, Cloudflare Pages (more coming soon)

What would it be like to publish the exact design, custom article & image generation to cloud properties? (diversify your linking domains)

Prompt Stacker / Article Template Builder

Build a page template using the prompts and LLMs you want, generate AI images, PAAs, etc and then use that to build super focused articles.

What would it be like make your AI generated articles be unique compared to everyone elses?

article template builder demonstration
RSS feed rewriting

Rewrite any RSS Feed & Post

Feed in 1 or many RSS feeds and have and LLM rewrite it (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Claude, etc)

What would it be like to keep all those Rings and Stacks littering your computer alive and building authority without having to focus on it full time?

What people say about it

Fucia Vanderbuilt
Fucia Vanderbuilt
I swooned the first time I saw it. Yes, that hasn't happened to a woman since the 1920s but honest to God, I was overcome.
Gertrugde Ehther
Swedish fake customer
This is so great it repaired my marriage and made me a million dollars.
Bill Fred
Fake diner worker
When I saw the content it gave me, I exclaimed so loud the neighbor called the fire department.

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